[Manager Discover Server Failed]
Oracle VM 3.0.2 並無法正確在VirtualBox中執行,VM Manager discover server時無法加入。
若VM Server不是在虛擬機上,可以按照以下處理方式進行:來源
FIX ACTION: (ALL DONE AS ROOT, Do not remove any of your VM Servers from the manager)
1) Make sure the database is running (ps -aef | grep smon) you should see and entry with "ora_smon_"
2) Stopped OVMM. (/etc/init.d/ovmm stop)
3) cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin
4) sh ./ovm_upgrade.sh --dbuser=ovs --dbpass=[password for ovs] --deletedb --dbsid=[your SID]
5) cd /media/CDROM
6) ./runInstaller.sh
a) Choose Uninstall
b) Skip Uninstall of Java
c) Uninstall VM Manager 3.0
d) Uninstall Weblogic Server (you have to do this or the re-install will fail)
7) ./runInstaller.sh -u [INPUT YOUR EXISTING UUID]
(you can get this from your VM Server consoles or the .config file from list item 3 above)
8) Follow the prompts to re-install the VM Manager.
9) Discover your existing VM Servers, register your file Servers, discover your Repositories and so on.
10) You are done.
1) Make sure the database is running (ps -aef | grep smon) you should see and entry with "ora_smon_
2) Stopped OVMM. (/etc/init.d/ovmm stop)
3) cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin
4) sh ./ovm_upgrade.sh --dbuser=ovs --dbpass=[password for ovs] --deletedb --dbsid=
5) cd /media/CDROM
6) ./runInstaller.sh
a) Choose Uninstall
b) Skip Uninstall of Java
c) Uninstall VM Manager 3.0
d) Uninstall Weblogic Server (you have to do this or the re-install will fail)
7) ./runInstaller.sh -u [INPUT YOUR EXISTING UUID]
8) Follow the prompts to re-install the VM Manager.
9) Discover your existing VM Servers, register your file Servers, discover your Repositories and so on.
10) You are done.
[Rebuild OVS DB]
/etc/init.d/ovs-agent stop
rm -rf /etc/ovs-agent/db
/etc/init.d/ovs-agent start
rm -rf /etc/ovs-agent/db
/etc/init.d/ovs-agent start